
EL Course Approval Process

Faculty and academic units may submit existing or new courses for review for Engaged Learning designation following the process below:

STEP 1: Once the basic design/re-design of the course has been completed, the course instructor should visit the "Propose a New EL Course" page on this website and answer the brief questions there to summarize the rationale for the proposed course or section's designation as Engaged Learning.

STEP 2: Submit the completed online form and course syllabus to the Engaged Learning Sub-Committee of the Board of Undergraduate Studies via engagedlearning@pennysdoodles.com. The Engaged Learning Sub-Committee will review the course proposal in light of the criteria and contact the instructor if any clarification is needed.

In order to allow sufficient time for review of all courses and for timely completion of the schedule of classes, the Board of Undergraduate Studies has established the following deadlines for Engaged Learning course proposals:

OCTOBER 1 for all classes to be offered in the SPRING semester and J-Term;

DECEMBER 1 for all classes to be included in the SUMMER terms;

FEBRUARY 1 for all classes to be included in the FALL semester.

New Loyola courses should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate College/School/Institute review body before being submitted for Engaged Learning credit.

For a list of courses currently approved for Engaged Learning by the Board of Undergraduate Studies, visit the "List of Approved Classes" textbox on the Engaged Learning homepage.

For any questions or concerns related to the approval process, please reach out to Patrick Green, Executive Director of the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship, at pgreen@pennysdoodles.com

Faculty and academic units may submit existing or new courses for review for Engaged Learning designation following the process below:

STEP 1: Once the basic design/re-design of the course has been completed, the course instructor should visit the "Propose a New EL Course" page on this website and answer the brief questions there to summarize the rationale for the proposed course or section's designation as Engaged Learning.

STEP 2: Submit the completed online form and course syllabus to the Engaged Learning Sub-Committee of the Board of Undergraduate Studies via engagedlearning@pennysdoodles.com. The Engaged Learning Sub-Committee will review the course proposal in light of the criteria and contact the instructor if any clarification is needed.

In order to allow sufficient time for review of all courses and for timely completion of the schedule of classes, the Board of Undergraduate Studies has established the following deadlines for Engaged Learning course proposals:

OCTOBER 1 for all classes to be offered in the SPRING semester and J-Term;

DECEMBER 1 for all classes to be included in the SUMMER terms;

FEBRUARY 1 for all classes to be included in the FALL semester.

New Loyola courses should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate College/School/Institute review body before being submitted for Engaged Learning credit.

For a list of courses currently approved for Engaged Learning by the Board of Undergraduate Studies, visit the "List of Approved Classes" textbox on the Engaged Learning homepage.

For any questions or concerns related to the approval process, please reach out to Patrick Green, Executive Director of the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship, at pgreen@pennysdoodles.com